• @gravitas_deficiency
    35 hours ago

    Christ I would not even let Clinton in the fucking building after how hard she shit the bed in 2016

  • @[email protected]
    68 hours ago

    It’s true, the only people voting for Harris aren’t worried about policies at all let alone hers. Otherwise Bernie would have won.

  • @[email protected]
    1614 hours ago

    Clinton is not wrong. Only those of us that actually care about politics as a means to do something about social problems care about policy. The overwhelming majority of us those care about politics as a spectacle, a variation of edu-tainment with the social dynamics of team sports. And in that framework, message that distract from the team as us or the opposition as them are of no value.

  • @[email protected]
    511 hours ago

    On the timeline where Harambe wasn’t killed is the one where “policy matters”.

    And to be clear nobody is saying that policy won’t be crucial to her administration, rather it is meaningless at best (or detrimental at worst) to talk about it during the campaign.

    The fragile progressive/neoliberal big tent alliance needed to hold autocracy at bay need not get dragged into the weeds by bickering amongst themselves over hypothetical issues that won’t even matter unless they actually win first.

    Policy will matter as soon as MAGAs golden cow is sent to pasture. Mentally/physically/emotionally he won’t be viable as a candidate in 2028 (at which point Peter Thiel’s next Moldbug inspired ghoul will present themselves)

    • @[email protected]
      210 hours ago

      (at which point Peter Thiel’s next Moldbug inspired ghoul will present themselves)

      It’s almost like this mindset is more of a stalling tactic than a strategy, because there will always be some new Threat to Democracy

  • @[email protected]
    813 hours ago

    Dems are really trying to set up 2016(2.0).

    I think just as the media tries to bash Trump constantly but really loves him due to being good for their business, the same is true for the Democratic party.