Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?

  • potterpockets
    1 year ago

    Kinda related to this, but we know prior to the 2016 Russia hacked the DNC emails and only really released info about them talking shit on/working against Bernie (potentially the most damaging info/most helpful to get Trump elected).

    We also know that they hacked the RNC, but didnt release any info from it. And we also know the NRA was receiving Russian funds and then donating to Trump and other Republicans.

    So it isnt far fetched to believe that between the carrot of campaign donations and the stick of leaking sensitive RNC emails Russia was attempting to force the RNC to force a potential Russian asset in power to cripple/break up NATO to continue Russia’s expansion into Western Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

    Imagine the lack of support given the invasion of Ukraine if Trump were president. If anything Trump would jump on recognizing the gains as Russian territory.