A few days ago I watched a TikTok about leftists, third spaces, and being social.

I didn’t agree with the video on some levels, but it did resonate pretty strongly with me.

The main thesis was that leftism online and pro-social movements are often led or promoted by people and in spaces where people actually display rather anti-social behaviour. Specifically, they talked about how people will complain about the lack of third spaces—not work, not home—and say that that is the reason they stay home, can’t meet people, can’t get partners, can’t enjoy community/interpersonal hobbies, and other such complaints. The video argues that, even if these third spaces existed, these people would not even appreciate them because they’re antisocial, they’re obsessed with an ideal of society and they are so close-minded, in a way, that they end up ignoring everything and everyone. Now, that part I disagree with. It’s not that these people don’t exist—I’m sure they do—but from my experience leftists are social people. I’m not someone that enjoys going out to parties and whatnot, events, but I do enjoy talking to other people. I enjoy art, I like to discuss it and I like to talk with others about it. One thing I really love to do is play games.

I think games are a great way to socialize.

I don’t frequent any third spaces, right now. I’m sure they’re out here, and I think I’ve actually mentioned one that I know about though it doesn’t fit my particular interests, but I love having opportunities to socialize. For me, online is the easiest way to do this because online is where I can find people that share my interests. I don’t really feel like there’s a need for more third spaces around me. Maybe I’m the antisocial person they were talking about and that’s why I don’t see the problem, then again I’m not the person complaining about this stuff so maybe not.

Regardless, I’ve been feeling an itch to play card games. I really, really want to play card games with people. I used to do it all the time with friends, but I haven’t in years. A shame, truly.

Hopefully soon I’ll get to it.


  • ALostInquirer@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Libraries don’t allow noise.

    Have you been to your local libraries lately to check on this? I know it’s one of those details libraries are well known for, but some libraries are more relaxed about this, so long as events aren’t going on or you’re not being so loud as to be a disturbance to others.

    It may seem weird to ask, but next time you visit your library you might find a way to ask if they’re the shush sort of library or an in-door voices are okay sort (supposing they don’t already have signage to tell you which).

    • sbv
      6 months ago

      Libraries often have gaming dates. My local branch has regular Magic: the Gathering sessions, for example.