Explaining his reasoning for wanting 180 pages instead of the typical 45, Smith pointed to the Supreme Court ruling itself. In that ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion explained that the analysis is “necessarily factbound.” The special counsel’s team wrote to Chutkan that, because whatever she decides faces “exacting appellate review” — that is, another round of scrutiny by the justices — “it is essential that the Court [Chutkan] ensure that the record in support of its determinations is complete.”

Smith’s filing notes that Trump opposes the request. Chutkan gave the former president’s team until Monday at 5 p.m. ET to explain his opposition. We’ll see what it says. But Smith’s filing suggests that, whatever issue Trump has with a longer-than-usual motion arguing why his alleged actions aren’t immune from prosecution, he should take it up with the Supreme Court ruling that said a detailed analysis is required.