packed up and moved to California after one delightful -27F day.
So it’s May, 2017. We’re just finishing our third winter in Ottawa, aka Canada’s wind-tunnel, and a string of -40 days made this one super harsh. 5ft snow pack around the driveway showed signs of melting on the weekend and the dog poop left by negligent fuckwits is almost visible and … ah shit, it’s two weeks of hard snow. We can barely see through the tears as we realize when we talk about ‘fool’s summer’, hope has made us the fool.
My first day at my new Vancouver-area job was 3 months later.
My very first job was in Minnesota and the snow is not what you have to be afraid of.
It’s the damn frigid temperatures. My wife and I quit our jobs, broke our lease, packed up and moved to California after one delightful -27F day.
So it’s May, 2017. We’re just finishing our third winter in Ottawa, aka Canada’s wind-tunnel, and a string of -40 days made this one super harsh. 5ft snow pack around the driveway showed signs of melting on the weekend and the dog poop left by negligent fuckwits is almost visible and … ah shit, it’s two weeks of hard snow. We can barely see through the tears as we realize when we talk about ‘fool’s summer’, hope has made us the fool.
My first day at my new Vancouver-area job was 3 months later.
The key is not leave the house when its really cold. Also layers. You can always put on more layers