A fixation on system change alone opens the door to a kind of cynical self-absolution that divorces personal commitment from political belief. This is its own kind of false consciousness, one that threatens to create a cheapened climate politics incommensurate with this urgent moment.


Because here’s the thing: When you choose to eat less meat or take the bus instead of driving or have fewer children, you are making a statement that your actions matter, that it’s not too late to avert climate catastrophe, that you have power. To take a measure of personal responsibility for climate change doesn’t have to distract from your political activism—if anything, it amplifies it.

  • ElcaineVolta@kbin.melroy.org
    19 days ago

    the corporations will not save us. be very wary of any “solution” that allows you to continue unchanged and to shift all responsibility to someone else, there’s a reason that perspective is so pervasive

    • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
      19 days ago

      Like I’m all for that we need to hold a fire under corporations. But we also need to change too. Just because they do like, 70% of it doesn’t mean we’re off the hook. We’re buying those products that they pollute for. We drive the cars that are polluting. We buy the cheap clothes that they shamelessly pollute. We each have to change.

      • GBU_28@lemm.ee
        19 days ago

        Yep. Who did Dasani bottle all that water for? Paying humans with mouths

      • Sasha@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        19 days ago

        Corporations have absolutely no incentive to change, consumers need to vote with their wallets if they want something to happen. But no, everytime someone points out this blindingly obvious fact we get the “uhm actually corporations need to change, it’s not my fault they’re feeding off my unsustainable habits.”

        We have to work together, we only have power to effect change when we work together, solidarity is our strength.

    • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
      18 days ago

      File under “green washing.”

      If a company offers a more expensive “choice” of a greener option, rather than just being ecologically responsible by default, then you are being sold a product. That is, you get to express your superior “green” ethics by identifying with your purchase.

      The company doesn’t actually care about the environment. They’re just doing the minimum to capture extra $$$

      • The_Terrible_Humbaba@slrpnk.net
        17 days ago

        I’m not completely sure of what point you’re making. Would you buy the cheaper product even if you could afford the more expensive green one?

        Because if the answer is “no”, then you are still agreeing with OP; and if the answer is “yes” then you are saying you want to knowingly buy something that is harmful for the environment and encourage a company to make more of it, while deflecting responsibly and saying that corpos and govs are the ones who have to do something.

        • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
          17 days ago

          I am agreeing with op. Corpos and govs are the ones who have to do something. We individually and collectively also have to do something. Nothing changes for the better unless we have buy-in from individuals. The binary you’re presenting is one I didn’t intend with my comment. I was saying we should watch out for green washing, when functioning as a consumer.

          That is, If you can avoid doing business with companies which are harming the environment then you should. The same goes for doing business with companies which are half-assed or insincere in their efforts (though these are naturally preferable).

          So if you can’t avoid a purchase, and there isn’t a good choice, then obviously you should pick the most ecologically sound option available to you.

          My main point is no one should feel virtuous for picking, like, “eco green Coca Cola” just because 5% of the proceeds go to saving the rainforest. They’re a reprehensible company, so far better to just not fuck with Coke in the first place.

          • The_Terrible_Humbaba@slrpnk.net
            17 days ago

            Ah, I see, I definitely agree with everything you’re saying; I just got a bit confused. When you talked about “green option”, I was thinking something like fast fashion vs clothes that will last, for example.

            • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
              17 days ago

              Oh I can see how the word “option” could read like that. Glad you brought it up, to give me the chance to clarify

  • Elle@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    Other quotes I found compelling from the article were these:

    Ultimately, a personal action versus political action binary is unhelpful. The environmental movement needs to sustain a way to do both: agitate and organize for systemic change while also still encouraging individual behavior changes.
    Which is to say that personal action and collective, political action are self-reinforcing. Individual lifestyle changes can act as a kind of alloy that strengthens political activism. To do the difficult work of walking more lightly on the planet is to bind commitment to conviction.

    • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      Exactly, also systemic change will have individual consequences. By bearing them early we demonstrate that these burdens are smaller than often imagined.

      I love the taste of meat. I struggled to imagine a life without it. I have been a pescatarian now for nearly 3 years. It’s inconvenient at times, but not as much as it once was. Seafood is a treat for me, and I imagine many people can live with meat like that. I am healthier, and I am happy with my choice. By making systemic changes to food people will eat less meat, but while the transition will be uncomfortable, the end result won’t be nearly as bad as they fear.

  • electric_nan@lemmy.ml
    18 days ago

    You can say this, but you can’t make it happen. What is more realistic, changing the attitudes and habits of billions of individuals quickly enough to reverse climate change, or enforcing restrictions on thousands of companies?

  • dillekant@slrpnk.net
    19 days ago

    The issue is, the “wisdom” isn’t “don’t worry about personal emissions”, it’s “take voting extremely seriously. Become a single issue voter, that issue should be climate”

    But there’s a psychological thing where people take the discount today and the payment later.

    • teolan@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      Voting isn’t going to do shit.

      Get involved. Protest. Refuse to work for terrible companies. Convince the people around you to protest and vote.

      • mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
        18 days ago

        Voting isn’t going to do shit.

        Voting can buy us time and keep us a situation more conducive to making changes outside the electoral system. Protesting under a fascist regime is a good way to get a life sentence, get deported, or put on a blacklist.

        • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
          18 days ago

          I would amend the quote to say “voting alone isn’t going to do shit.” IMO without direct action it’s just a slower slide into fascism.

          Agreeing with both of you basically. I just don’t want anyone thinking that voting on its own is sufficient to address the problems we’re seeing

        • socsa@piefed.social
          17 days ago

          Voting is literally a require to enact meaningful change in the long term. At no point has change in a western society come from a protest movement being given carte blanche to create new laws. The protest movement creates awareness, shifts the Overton window and causes people to elect a government which passes new laws.

      • dillekant@slrpnk.net
        17 days ago

        Voting isn’t going to do shit.

        Convince the people around you to protest and vote.

        Which is it?

        • teolan@lemmy.world
          16 days ago

          Voting by itself doesn’t do shit. Organizing and convincing people to vote based on an issue does.

  • ecoenginefutures@slrpnk.net
    19 days ago

    This week I decided that my next six months will be dedicated to making solarpunk stuff, stay with an eye open for me and hopefully it encourages you to create some stuff to.

    There is an alternative, it is better and we are already making it true!

  • nicerdicer@feddit.org
    17 days ago

    Wait, we actually have to do something? /s

    Change has to come from both sides, from companies as well as from consumers. Yes, Your actions don’t really matter when you try to reduce waste, but the oil tanker spills millions of liters into the ocean, or when you use electricity from renewable sources while there is coal extracted and burned to fulfill the need of energy.

    But as a consumer you can change the perspective about it by observing it from the personal economic side. This way, doing something in favour of reducing waste or doing something to lessen the effect of the climate catastrophe is merely a side effect of your actions:

    • I don’t have children, because I don’t want to take responisbility for them. Also, I don’t like children. This saves me a lot of money, which I don’t have.
    • I am relying on a car. But instead of driving a truck-like 5l-gas guzzler, I drive a small economic car. 90% of the time I drive alone anyway. A small car means less fuel consumption, less tax, cheaper repairs. Also, there are more parking spots availiable for me in the city, since the car is shorter than other vehicles (at least for parallel parking).
    • When running errands, I combine them with using the car. For instance, I do my grocery shopping on the way back from work, and I can make use of my car’s storage capabilities. This saves me precious time, since I’m on the road anyway.
    • When buying clothes, I don’t buy the cheapest clothes availiable. Mid-price ranged clothes are more durable, and they can be worn longer and are cheaper in the long run. Also, I don’t use fabric softener. Not only does it contribute to polluting the enviroment - fabric softener reduces the capability for towels to dry things (which defeats the purpose of a towel), because it hinders the fabrics’ capillar effect for storing water in the fibers. Additional to that, I don’t use an electric dryer. I hang my clothes to dry. This measurement extends your clothes lifetime, which is saving money.
    • Although I am a meat eater, I am open-minded to vegan food - in the last decade it came a long way and there are good substitutes. Some of them are trial and error though (some taste like a stack of hay smells), but the alternatives are out there. It doesn’t have to taste exactly like meat. The worst thing that can happen is, that you expand the list of things you can eat.
    • And the most important thing of all: DON’T BUY USELESS CRAP! Sure, the cloud-based app-operated thing is appealing, but what happens, when the company that produces it goes bankrupt? The cloud service gets shut down! You have a paper weight now. I don’t buy such things, because I don’t want my home cluttered with stuff I don’t need eventually. When I buy new stuff (mostly to replace broken stuff that I can’t repair) I do research first and evaluate what features of the desired thing really benefit my needs. I rather buy expensive stuff that is more durable an has a longer lifetime over all. In the long run it turns out to be less expensive.

    In my opinion it makes more sense to analyse your actions with the affect of personal economic impact in mind than to view it in the sense of reducing the impact of the climate catastrophe. Because since your neighbor isn’t, you can easily feel helpless and de-motivated.

    • bassad@jlai.lu
      15 days ago

      you might add to your list : choose a bank and insurance company that use your money for ecological/local/social projects

  • socsa@piefed.social
    17 days ago

    I have been on this hill for years, ever since the whole “recycling does nothing” attitude became popular.

    People who make these individual lifestyle changes are more likely to advocate for holistic change. Meanwhile those who adopt a cynical take on environmentalism are more likely to disengage entirely. This seems incredibly obvious to me.

    • mojofrododojo@lemmy.world
      17 days ago

      I love the “nascar doesn’t hurt the environment, big companies do! f1 doesn’t hurt the environment, it’s big oil’s fault! racing my shitcrate down the road doesn’t hurt the environment, even though I’ve modified the carb so unburnt fuel spews out the back because VROOOM VROOM makes me sound like a real man, no, it’s uh, all those datacenters fault!”

      whatever their fetish is, they’ll die on that hill defending it instead of changing.

      Think about it: their own children will pick up the tab, be the ones who suffer the worst for these silly fucking games, and they literally don’t care. THEIR OWN KIDS. Zero fucks given. When they don’t even care about the future shitshow their own kids will have to suffer, what leverage can be found?

  • mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    Exactly! We can’t blame these companies and then buy their stuff and deflect all responsibility.

    It’s sort of a cycle that runs on apathy, ignorance, and lack of empathy.

    Powerful groups manipulate and coerce people and markets

    Manipulated, coerced people buy more of what they are pushed to

    Consumer votes in leaders that support this exploitative cycle making laws facilitating companies manipulating and coercing their behavior

    We need to break out of this cycle by conscientiously rejecting this manipulation, buying less, voting, running for office, etc. (i.e. degrowth)

  • walter_wiggles@lemmy.nz
    19 days ago

    The author is somehow surprised at the reactions they get when they nitpick people on their individual actions.

    • thejevans@lemmy.ml
      19 days ago

      I agree to an extent. More often than not, the purchasing decisions of “consumers” are not free choices, and even if they want to do things that are more ethical, sometimes those ethics conflict.

      Until recently, I didn’t have the luxury of caring about the supply chain of most of my purchases because I didn’t have enough money to buy anything but the cheapest version of what I needed.

      I also try to buy or build repairable devices to reduce waste and make it so that I am buying fewer things in the long run. Unfortunately, primarily because of decisions made by large companies and investors, the components to do this can often only be found on AliExpress. There are no local options, and there are no options that have a transparent supply chain.

      On top of that, the monopolistic companies and the politicians that support them have created a system with a lot of inertia that removes options for “consumers” by undercutting the market and buying out competitors until nothing but the monopoly remains. Lots of towns only have a Walmart and/or a Dollar Tree where they can purchase household items because those companies put all the local shops out of business. The people there are stuck at no fault of their own.

      The people who do have the money to make better climate decisions with their spending are definitely in a better position to make more free decisions, but, again, companies have not designed products to have interchangeable parts or to be repairable at all. Often times alternatives just simply do not exist.

      Cell phones, laptops, cars, etc. are all basically required for people in the US because of decisions that individuals have no control over.

      And finally, the distribution of impact of an individual is heavily skewed toward the rich. The changes that poorer people can make do have some impact, and there are knock-on effects that make those impacts stronger, but to frame this as the fault of anyone outside of capitalists and their pet politicians is pretty disingenuous.

      In short, people usually can’t make free decisions about how they spend their money, and even if they could, they don’t have all the information they need to make good decisions, and they are actively being fed mis/disinformation to further keep them in the dark. To blame them is probably wrong, and to think that individual action is worth putting effort into at the cost of collective and political action is a bad idea. It should really only be a supplement.

        • thejevans@lemmy.ml
          19 days ago

          These companies are getting this pressure because they are well known and because of coordinated collective action against them. By all means, avoid them. That said, there are tons of reasons that people still buy from these companies.

          For 3M, they produce the most readily available and performant masks, respirators, air filters and adhesives, which are a necessity in a lot of situations. For instance, I build my own air purifiers using standard HVAC filters and PC fans for myself and friends/family (so that they have have repairable units that use standard parts), and often 3M filters are the only performant ones that I can buy while avoiding Amazon, another company worth boycotting. In addition to that, 3M products are used in sooo much stuff these days that it’s very easy to support them without knowing about it.

          For Starbucks, I know of quite a few towns where Starbucks is the only coffee shop (because they aggressively forced out the competitors), and there is no library or similar public space available. I’m sure as hell not going to tell the people of that town where Starbucks is the only quiet place that they can read or work or get a coffee that they are the problem here.

          There are tons of other, similar situations that force or heavily influence people to buy from shitty companies.

          On top of that, I’m positive that the vast majority of alternatives are similarly bad, and they just haven’t been the target of collective action yet. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

          This whole argument gives very “yet you participate in the system, how curious” energy, and is pretty divorced from reality.

        • MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de
          19 days ago

          Nowhere local stocks the parts to repair most second-hand items. Parts for older items are often hard to find because they are no longer made. I mean, you’re replying to someone who builds repairable versions of such items. Why do you think that is necessary?

          Do you have the skill-set to do as they do? I do, and yet, I assure you, skills, a 3D Printer and a friggen machine-shop at my disposal can only do so much to compensate for a supply chain that has been absolutely gutted and continually re-worked to force consumption, and of products from the far end of the globe, at that.

        • thejevans@lemmy.ml
          19 days ago

          Most poorer people straight up cannot afford the better option up front.

          Lots of things are basic social requirements if you want to have access to lucrative careers. If you’re not wearing the right clothes, good luck at job fairs, interviews, networking events, etc. Can’t afford the pricey ones that will last? Your options are get the cheap ones or have a worse chance at income that you need to survive. This is, again, not a free choice.

          On top of that, again, the distribution of climate impact is skewed heavily toward the rich. Without including that in these arguments and articles, and simply saying everyone needs to do these things, people are biasing the burden on poorer people.

          Finding good secondhand options takes a lot of time. So much so that it is literally a job that people have. More often than not, the decision is frumpy clothes that will make you stand out in a bad way that can easily affect job prospects, self esteem, how your kids are treated at school, etc. or to buy the cheap stuff online.

          Most of the time, the stuff at the thrift store isn’t much cheaper than the cheap stuff online, and often it IS the cheap stuff that will break soon that people have discarded. Take a walk through your local thrift store and it’s probably overflowing with clothes from Shien, halfway broken knockoff IKEA furniture, and cheap (probably broken) single-use kitchen gadgets.

          None of this even touches on the carefully targeted advertising on social media that primes people to have the kind of consumption behavior that fuels these companies to begin with.

    • stabby_cicada@slrpnk.netOP
      19 days ago

      A whole lot of people hate this notion because it essentially frames it as the consumer’s fault, but at the end of the day it kind of is.

      Absolutely. Producers and consumers have joint responsibility for getting us where we are. Climate action requires joint action by consumers and by (or, more likely, against) producers.

      Because politicians follow the money. And they understand voters follow the money. So polls may show that legislation against fossil fuel companies is popular. But politicians look at all the gas consumers buy and ask themselves “what will voters do if we pass fossil fuel legislation and gas gets more expensive”? And then they decide not to pass fossil fuel legislation, because even if voters say they want fossil fuel legislation they know how the voters will respond if that legislation makes their consumption habits more expensive.

      It’s a lot easier to pass higher gas taxes in cities where 90% of residents take public transit to work than in cities where 5% do.

      I was ranting in a different thread about the “discourses of delay” that corporate and right-wing propagandists use to delay climate action. And the fascinating thing is, the idea that only individual consumption matters (the BP carbon footprint ad campaign) and the idea that only the actions of corporations matter (a typical American activist attitude) are both industry propaganda. The former is meant to discourage political action. The latter is meant to discourage individual action. And by framing it as one against the other, propagandists discourage us from taking effective action on either.

      We can do both. We have to do both.

    • The Snark Urge@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      There’s a better way to frame all this: change comes from within. We obviously have to vote and pay attention to politics and speak up to our elected officials because that’s how “not being ruled by a monarch” works. But ultimately all real changes, even in the world, come from within.