Bunged a couple of pedals from the B-team box onto a little board I’d bashed together a while ago. I’ve had to cut the right-hand end down a bit to plug the Dirty Robot in.

I’ve been using this on synths, just as a bit of fun really. The dirty robot is fantastic, and very versatile. Seems redundant, using a synth pedal on a synth, but on rhythms it does all sorts of joyous things. The Bass Overdrive is a great little budget drive, and the wet/dry mix and low/hi tone shaping makes it well suited for synths. The Aurora is a nice, simple delay that you can manhandle nicely, and the Exosphere is a reverb that can be rather wild especially with the Little Monster expression switch.

    • PennyRoyalOP
      4 months ago

      It makes it very versatile, especially for the price. It’s not my favourite drive tone, but does ok if it’s not too obvious. I end up using a nicer drive on my desk’s FX inserts to achieve the same thing if I want it to be more forward in the mix while retaining the dry punch, but this is the pedal that taught me that.

      The Dirty Robot is a wildly underrated pedal in my opinion, polyphonic, stereo, two distinct synth voices, and very capable. I’m really not using it to its potential here!

      The other two are small uk builders, both of whom I think deserve a bit more love than they get. These are old pedals by them both, nothing revolutionary, but simple and great sounding.