Are they hell. Has anyone, ever, known their insurance premium to go down? It’s a racket. If they 20 limits are cutting costs, that cost is being turned into further profit, not savings for the customer
Are they hell. Has anyone, ever, known their insurance premium to go down? It’s a racket. If they 20 limits are cutting costs, that cost is being turned into further profit, not savings for the customer
I think it very much depends on where they are. Five tigers in a forest on a mountain seems fine, but one tiger in a primary school seems like too many
Imagine the orange Buffon starting with 50 states and having 47 4 years later. Make America Smaller Again
Well that was really rather easy, I’ve edited it, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Once again, Cuba being on the right side of history, in contrast to their neighbour
Serbia has joined the chat…
Ah, I think that might be the app I’m using. Mlem just has “title” and then “post”
I think that people who are dogmatic about politics, from either camp, find his stuff hard to swallow. We’re here because of Tory corruption and incompetence, which alienates conservatives, and it’s being made worse by weak fiscal policy and the ignoring the several elephants in the room of labour, which offends the middle-lefties
How should I have formatted it to achieve this?
I have one that’s preeeety close to stealing stuff from Star Wars, with the baddie, Phantor Gorth, occasionally turning up looking mighty like Darth Vader.
He’s pretty unbiased, and explains it all really well for those of us with no knowledge of how that world works.
Can you explain the link aggregator business once again for the heard of thinking? I’m not sure what you mean, but I’m assuming it’s something I’ve either completely ignored or misunderstood
On fire, AND buried in snow. Nice
That makes me glad to live in the UK. We’ve essentially got a combination of the best of those two systems, and newer panels have RCBOs, which are combination RCDs and breakers for each separate circuit.
Terran Trade Authority?
Oh yeah, that’ll do it. Adding one stop to strain’s journey will definitely fix billions of economic damage
Brutalism is mint in the first place, but it really, really gets better with age and foliage. The more moss and lichen and ivy, the better it looks
It would be more effective if they’d restore nature across the City of London, but until they’re ready to raze the square mile, this is a very good alternative.
Of course it is, the orange moron will be needing some new instructions soon
At the moment, I’m beginning to think that the best we can do is both, it might be to late for an either/or situation
I’m in my 40s, work a low-risk job, live in a low-risk area, have 12+ years no claims, a clean license. Ignoring the points at which everyone’s insurance gets cheaper as they age, my premiums has gone up constantly. Coincidentally, so have insurance underwriter’s profits. I definitely could have got cheaper insurance if I’d have compromised on cover, or gone with a worse-rated provider, but that’s not my point. The base cost of insurance is set by the underwriters, and that has increased year on year for just about everyone