• Supervisor194@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    I believe there is a way. Nanotechnology helped along by artificial intelligence could conceivably bring material abundance to everyone. This would be a world dramatically reshaped. Humanity might not even qualify as the same species anymore.

    Some people actually think that such a future is an inevitability; that it can’t be stopped. Short of everybody dying in a fire of course.

      • yeather@lemmy.ca
        15 minutes ago

        There has never been a case where governments are able to hide technology from the people for more than a decade at a time in modern history. It might start out expensive, innovations usually do, but over time the expense drops, someone makes a quick buck selling to the masses, and all of a sudden money is meaningless.

        Worst case scenario you may have to use your second amendment rights to acquire the technology for the masses, which is what it was designed for.