The Jerusalem Post has deleted this article but thankfully it had been archived.
The River Perat, commonly identified with the Euphrates River, is situated in the Middle East. It flows through several countries, including Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, before emptying into the Persian Gulf. In biblical contexts, the Euphrates River is often mentioned as a significant boundary in the promises made to the Jewish people regarding the Land of Israel.
It’s not just Lebanon. They want it all, because the bible said so. The US needs to stop supplying them with weapons.
The holy book I worship and just wrote (and update from time to time) promises me endless riches, a camel and as much ice cream as I want. They have to obey, it said so in paragraph two.
“BuT iT’s SeLf DeFeNsE!!! YoU hAtE JeWs!!”
I can’t wait until Bibi can rest in piss… Fucking scumbag.
I kinda understood the disproportionate response for the first few weeks of this war. I just thought they were trying to be thorough, or to make a point, so that those terrorist events didn’t happen again. As time went on I started to see more indiscriminate bombing, more killing of civilians, more territory being claimed by Israel.
The pager “supply chain attack” was madness, they had no regard for who might be nearby. That seemed a lot like the terrorism this started this current leg of the conflict and was a clear escalation. They haven’t been able to claim self-defense for a very long time. They are clearly the aggressors, and yup, if you try to criticize their actions you are accused of being an anti-zionist or a nazi. It’s all so broken and sad.
Hopefully you see now that Israel deserved and earned 10/7, that this response from them is nothing new, that this fascist colonial project masquerading as a country has been doing this nonstop since before it’s official formation in the 1940s.
Sorry, no, I do not see it that way. While Israel has slowly settled additional territory, things have been relatively peaceful there for the last decade or so. There is no excuse for terrorism.
2023, in September, there was an article from AP News revealing that 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children to be the last twenty years. The causes of death? The IDF. Exclusively. 10/7 happened because Israel has been causing escalating violence for the last 20 years after 60 years of mild to extreme violence.
I can’t reconcile
Israel has slowly settled additional territory
There is no excuse for terrorism
The IDF is stealing land, making people homeless, burning crops, murdering Palestinians, and so on.
What is an appropriate response in your view?
I understand the sentiment, but does that really justify killing innocent civilians at a music event?
The IDF just murdered your family, razed your house, and torched your crops. You are now homeless and alone, you can’t travel and you’re broke. What is your next course of action?
Did anyone force anyone to attend a music event within sight of the world’s largest open-air prison?
Everyone has already explained the contradiction in this statement, so let me just point out that what you call “peace” isn’t peace. It’s successful oppression where you simply don’t need to hear about the plight of the oppressed. Gazans were still being bombed, starve and intentionally kept on the brink of economic collapse (by Israel’s own words). West Bank people were still having their lands and homes razed and stolen and their family killed. East Jerusalem citizens (or should I say residents) were still being evicted for not paying rent on their own land. Smotrich still considered his life’s mission to be preventing the formation a Palestinian state. The most powerful man in Israel was still the same man who had crumpled peace and threw it in the trash 30 years ago. And Israelis were cheering on all this shit.
I repeat: That was not peace. That was Israel successfully hiding the oppression from Western eyes (that weren’t paying attention). Do you blame Nelson Mandela for breaking the “peace” black Africans had with the Apartheid government? What about the Irish in the Troubles?
As I see it, Hamas’s biggest victory as a resistance organization in the last 20 years was forcing Israel to be very loud about their genocidal tendencies. No quiet oppression and ethnic cleansing like what they get away with in thr West Bank. The culmination of this was October 7th, which brought Israeli oppression to the forefront of international discourse. Now whether it’s worth it is another story, but the decline in Israeli popular support in the West over the last 20 years is almost completely Hamas’s doing, along with everyone who then reported on it. Breaking the “peace” is the only way Palestinians will ever be free.
“pacified” isn’t “peaceful”. They control the actual water, power and access into and out of Palestine. There’s nothing above-board that isn’t within their power to cut off at a whim.
That’s absolute power over a group they hate. You learned what absolute power does, right? You know what hate does?
The media’s acceptance of anything bibi has done since coming into power has caused a lot of shady shit to be ignored. Really bad stuff.
I don’t condone violence but I know I’m not the jurist to pass judgement over 10/7 or a hundred things before it. I have food, water, and a safe bed, and I have no frame of reference to understand the context under which a people treated like starving dogs for 3 generations have risen up to bite their unwanted master.
But I can opine on a people who condemn guerilla warfare on one hand and commit actual terrorism with the other.
Ahhh, yes. So you prefer quiet suffering to loud suffering so you can more easily ignore it. Me too, bro. Me too.
There is no excuse for terrorism.
Oh, look. Liberals ignoring Israeli terrorism for the last 76 years as long as their precious “free press” can pretend it’s “relatively peaceful.”
Hamas did nothing wrong. Period.
Why? We’re all about validating cruelty under the guise of because the Bible tells me so.
The US, my shithole of birth, will do whatever is in the economic interests of the owner class, and Israel is sadly a very good customer and business partner. But yeah, the politicians will absolutely thump a bible in front of some idiot constituents to keep selling it.
It’s tradition.
Read the comments for a double dose of fascism.
The “Promised Land” should become like the Garden of Eden - Promised to God’s people, but God’s people fucked up and failed to follow his instructions, so they had to leave.
Return it to the animals. As least they won’t send missile strikes wherever they think they should be “living”.
Where exactly did Hashem define the boundaries, and are we obligated to conquer those areas?
Fuck Israel.
yes ; they are the chosen people.
That’s weird, where are all the Lemmy liberals here to point out the same tired BS propaganda excuses in the same exact order of increasing dismissiveness until finally completely pretending genocide was even mentioned and immediately pivoting to some weird excuse about how Trump will do the domestic policies that Biden has literally been signing for the past 4 years?
It’s almost like they don’t give a shit about anything and don’t believe in anything.