When i press f5 i get to see the fps, and its caped at 60 like i turned on vsync but i didnt. I remember that earlier i was playing in 120 or higher fps but now for some reason its only 60. In settings i changed max fps setting to 30 and it worked now fps was caped at 30 but when i change it to be 120 or 240 it stays on 60 for some reason. Does anyone know why that may be…?

I have rx 5700xt Ryzen 7 2700x And 32GB of ddr4 memory And 1TB ssd so no problem there…

Game is runing on pop os by the way

  • Nicu@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Luanti has a cogwheels button on the top-right side of the UI. Click that, go to Graphics and change the Maximum FPS to what you want and click the Set button to save the change. At the same time, make sure VSync is disabled, to see if Luanti can handle the maximum FPS you set.

    That said, there’s an open issue about Luanti having FPS issues since version 5.9.0. The issue is still open, with 5.10 being the latest Luanti release, and that’s all we have at the moment.