• @[email protected]
    6811 months ago

    If you believe the stories, Jesus was progressive and woke af. I’m honestly a bit surprised it took them this long to say this quiet part out loud.

    • @[email protected]
      3311 months ago

      I’d love to see a study where someone takes the teachings of Jesus, anonymizes and modernizes the stories and just presents them as hypotheticals with a “Strongly Disagree -> Strongly Agree” choiceset and see what most modern evangelicals actually think of Jesus when taken out of context.

      I’ll bet that the majority would say they disagree with Jesus on most points

        • @[email protected]
          1211 months ago

          That actually doesn’t sound that unreasonable. Take all the hocus pocus out of it and yeah, Jesus was a good role model.

          • JJROKCZ
            1311 months ago

            I particularly enjoy the whipping of the lenders

          • @agamemnonymous
            511 months ago

            “WWJD?” might be the most potent possible distillation

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Who knows. Maybe what Jesus actually did was set up a food distribution network to feed those 4000 people for free.

              This is now my bible head canon. They can make stuff up, why can’t I?

              • @agamemnonymous
                211 months ago

                Actually had a priest suggest that the miracle of the loaves and fishes was that as the baker went around, those who brought their own put extra in the basket.

        • @[email protected]
          811 months ago

          I always love how evangelicals try to push the idea that the founding fathers were bible thumpers like themselves. So many of them were deists which to a evangelical, is extremely heretical. Hell, Thomas Paine especially was not shy about expressing his pretty strong dislike for Christianity.

  • @[email protected]
    4111 months ago

    I miss r/radicalchristianity or whatever it was called.

    Jesus was the person who got crucified by the state and hated by majority for he smashed those greedy fucks in the temple of his father, for he proposed love and compassion, for he opposed ‘traditional’ values of his time. He was tortured and died as a leader of peaceful resistance.

    I still can’t understand how it’s possible to wrap it backwards and sideways to make it work against everything Jesus could vouch for.

    Now, it seems, they just stopped lying.

      • @[email protected]
        1211 months ago

        Same-y. I hear some local churches\priests gets this thing right by being a community center and keeping themselves open for discussion, but many are just for business and integrated in the bigger structure that is just a shill for political power. My orthodoxal branch in Russia snatched on some priests who were against the war or pro-human rights, as it’s a long tradition of this church and others to be half-time employees in secret services. The current head of the church is said to be a legit KGB agent in the past, lmao.

  • @[email protected]
    1611 months ago

    They keep talking about the left being out in the open, their evil laid bare. Looks like it’s actually their own evil that’s on display.

  • @vd1n
    11 months ago

    Haha love that… Woke rightwing religion… I can see their faces turn red, making fists, and stomping their feet on the ground for being woke.

    America turned to shit and deserves the hell that comes to it for their ignorance and complacency while all these power hungry assholes fuck humanity.

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    "its the democrats and the left that are the true evil in this world!

    By the way, This dumb book and this Jesus feller is getting in my way so fuck them both. BOOK BURNIN BOYS!"

  • ikiru
    111 months ago

    This is great news, actually.

    I hope they soon stop pretending and reject Christianity entirely, they never followed Christianity and gave it a worse name than it already had.