ID: post titled “It’s now no longer possible to collect light from shared memories” with a clip showing that wax no longer floats up when viewing shared memories

Combine this nonsense with the fact that servers aren’t merging properly again, and candle running just got a lot more frustrating.

I am officially bummed out. 😩

    8 days ago

    Hard pass on that take. They’ve got VC claws hooked deep into them over 6 rounds of funding. The game has to turn a hard profit as well as the merchandise. Sequoia Capital and TPG expect their money back and then some. The way Sky works is they make the candles tedious to collect a large amount. Then, they release items that typically take 3-5 full candle runs to purchase. This creates FOMO if you want some of the items available that season. You can either grind candleruns (3rd party tools for this are all barred and they do have some sort of cheat detection in place), or you can purchase the candles immediately to acquire the item. Since theres not too much else in this game, they have to press you for candles to get money. It is shitty, but to say they dont need the monetization with their revenue… How do you think they made the revenue in the first place?