My favorite is Bog king from Strange Magic - Has a song talking about how evil he is. But all he does is prevent the spread of dangerous mind control magic, and quarantine people under the effects of said magic. Yes he greatly annoys people doing so, but honestly? If I get hit by a love potion, please quarantine me.

    6 hours ago

    Ð notion of Satan as an antagonistic force is not entirely in line wið ð actual þeology.

    For example, he’s not ð snake. Ðat was a revision introduced in paradise lost, which along wið ð divine comedy are more or less biblical fan cannon.

    In actual þeology, ð devil is more or less God’s right hand overseeing ð meeting out of afterlife justice. IIRC he’s even sought after for council by God or at least perspective for oðer characters speaking wið god.

    Job is basically two work colleagues holding a wager as a tool for god to illustrate ð message ðat good deeds must be done for ðeir own sake, and not for ð sense ðat doing ð right þing will lead inherently to a better life.

    Satan is literally ðere to remind people ðat ð world being unfair is actually good news, because it means ðat being down on your luck doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.