repeating “T-72 Is The Best Tank on Earth” a dozen times in a poorly written article without any sources is definitely very convincing
He sounds credible, don’t be so defensive.
Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”. Apparently when you repeat the same phrase 15 times, it sounds “credible”.
see how credible this comment is 🙃
Now this is a Noncredible Defense.
Hummm “faulty systems”. This sure sounds like propaganda to me.
Ah yes, US mainstream media famously doing propaganda for Russian military. 🤡
The author of this is a pathetic Trump lover that makes comments like this “ But he’s not wrong. Europeans should be in charge of European defense and they should stop looking to us or any outsider for help. I’m fine never sending another penny to Europe. They can make fun of me all they want as long as I’m not funding their defense They’re welfare queens” This is not mainstream media it is propaganda.
Dude, most of Europe is also pledged to help the US when attacked. In fact the US is the ONLY country ever to have invoked article 5.
Ukraine is not a member but is strategically important to NATO because it’s strategically important to the Russian empire’s restoration, which we kinda want to prevent. Plus they’ll be a powerful ally once they can join, which they really want to nowadays.
Now the US could go full isolationist, but if a Russian-Chinese alliance takes over all of Eurasia, y’all are really going to lose out on a lot of trade and access to resources, plus might actually be susceptible to invasion if you have no allies left.
I love how people are still delusional enough to think that Ukraine is going to join NATO.
They have no reason not to at this point.
Do you think a single Ukrainian wants to live under Russian rule now? The few I’ve spoken to don’t even want to be spoken to in the language and that was even BEFORE 2014.
Yeah, anybody who isn’t a brainwashed wasp understands that plenty of Ukrainians will be fine living under Russian rule. If you still don’t get that. then you’re gonna be in for a shock going forward.
I’m neither a, s nor p lmao.
So why don’t you move back to Russia? Presumably you still have a citizenship.
So many Russians abroad praise the homeland while enjoying the relative freedom that other countries bring to the table. Yet none seem to understand that others don’t want to live in Russia either.
Ukrainians tend to be proud of their national identity - which, yes, I know, only Russians are allowed to be, but apparently many people don’t seem to care - so it’s pretty hard to convince them to go back to being second class citizens of yet another attempt at a Russian Empire.
ok there blueAnon
Great thumbnail!
Dunno (or care!) about the rest of it. Kinda strange content for the technology community…
Are tanks not a piece of technology?
Well, of course they are, but so is just about everything
Not nearly enough cope cages showcased in the article
I love how the cages have now become standard for every military after the west derided them initially.
Stay classy, .ml
Straight up Russian propaganda at this pointThat’s right, US publications are doing Russian propaganda.
So, to be clear, the T-72, a decades-old platform, is performing much better than the faulty systems that NATO has lavished upon Ukraine. In fact, in many cases, as with the U.S.-provided Abrams MBTs, the Ukrainians have had to pull them entirely from the front as they were not serving the Ukrainian military well. For a fraction of the cost of these other, newer systems, the Russians are simply amping up the old T-72 with defenses like reactive armor and greater countermeasures against mines and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).
They also throw their turrets much better when hit.
Best turrets in space, gotta give them that.
Last I checked, it’s western tanks that require an extra crew member due to lack of autoloading that make a bigger splash when hit.
Western tanks are built to protect the crew, while Soviet/Russian are built to advance regardless of anything without much consideration about crew safety (typical Soviet mentality). The turret throw is due to the shells being stored right under the crew, beneath the turret, and when those detonate (which is quite easy with modern anti tank weapons), everything is thrown magnificently into the air. Crew has no way to survive. It’s different with western tanks, where shells are stored more safely and such a hit usually doesn’t evaporate the crew.
It’s hilarious that you’d regurgitate this nonsense when we have abundant evidence from over two years of war now showing that western tanks do not in fact protect the crew.
I hope you’ve made it out of russia, things are getting nuts there. I wouldn’t even be in georgia now if I was you.
You should put more effort into your trolling, it’s kind of pathetic to be honest.
Reality sure gets under the skin of western chauvinists.
Even the Russians have better tanks than the T-72 which they have not committed to this battle. It is ridiculous to say the T-72 is the best tank on earth.
If you bothered to RTFA then you’d see that what makes T-72 such a good tank is the balance of functionality and simplicity. What matters in actual war is that the machine is reliable, that it can be repaired easily in the field, and that parts can be produced quickly. Incidentally, this is the same lesson Germans learned in WW2 where their Panthers were technically superior to T-34s, but were too expensive too make and too difficult to maintain.
You’re working so hard to defend the one article you found, it must be exhausting to be you.
Wow amazing counterpoint you got there. Must’ve taken both your brain cells to come up with it.
Yup, they caused quite a lot of ruckus in there, good thing they have plenty of room for activities.