ID: black and white poster with text: “For every fighter there are 10+ supports, find your place today!”

There is a line illustration of a gun, and bellow it illustrations of items representing different tasks: a list for “logistics”, a poster for “propagandist”, a rolled up bandage for “medic”, a can of soup for “supplier”, a phone for “opsec”, a bullet for “smuggler”, a key for “safe houses”, a map for “planner”, binoculars for “spy”, and an envelope for “messenger”

  • I'll be on [email protected]OP
    4 months ago

    It certainly isn’t for everyone, I couldn’t do it either.

    And that’s the whole point - we each have things we are and aren’t good at, and if we organise according to our strengths and appreciate we all have different needs which all matter (E: and support each other in those needs), instead of according to one hierarchy or another which inevitably (deliberately) pits us against each other, we could do incredible things.