• Flummoxed@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I lost myself. I married someone who slowly whittled me down to nothing over ten years.

    I am divorcing him. It’s been five months since I just didn’t go home. It’s been really hard, hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m coming back to life slowly.

    I can’t wait to see who I become.

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪@lemmy.autism.place
      4 months ago

      Same, but I didn’t marry them. I became nearly completely useless. Lost almost all friends, hobbies, work, goals, dreams, and even desire. I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror. Coming back has been incredibly difficult since I didn’t trust anyone to guide me nor myself. How do you get somewhere without direction? Lately, I think I’m on the right track, but I will never be my old self and that’s okay. My old self got me in that situation, so the new one will be better.

      Below are three songs that I found validating during these times. Two are in English and one is in Spanish. If you don’t speak Spanish, I would happily translate the lyrics for you; just let me know.

      Ren and Chinchilla

      The Big Push
