First, I understand that the best options are cash, gift cards, burner cards, XMR, etc. However, that isn’t practical for my day to day use. My goal is minimizing how much information is collected/sold by advertisers.

I need a new physical credit card and figured I should look for one with a decent privacy policy. I’m curious if anybody has any suggestions.

The only one that I’ve found even decent so far is Apple’s card, but I don’t have an iPhone. I also know Apple is generally disliked on here.

    5 months ago

    Tell me you either don’t love in the US, or don’t understand what a credit score is, without telling me…

    Every time you open a credit card, you get a “hard credit check”. You get one(?) freebie a year, then it starts significantly dropping your credit score. Having a larger amount of unused credit available to you will slightly increase your score, but having too many less of credit (e.g. >5) will significantly harm it.

    All that said, credit scores are a scam, but do affect your ability to get a car or home loan, or rent a place to live.