You can now vote for this week’s challenge!

  • Voting will be open for at least 24 hours.
  • Whichever entry gets the most votes, wins!
  • OP will cast deciding vote in case of tie
  • Voting will end when OP declares a winner.

Polar Opposites


Create an image where polar opposites are interacting. For example: fire and water (as in the image), life and death, day and night, happy and sad. The concepts do not have to be anthropomorphized.

Voting process

Everyone can submit their image to this post. At the end of the week all images will be collected and shared in a new voting post wherein people can vote on their favorite image. This will be up for at least 24 hours before a winner is made.

There are no extra points to be earned, OP will decide on a winner in case of a tie.


  • Follow the community’s rules above all else
  • One comment and image per user
  • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
  • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged but not required (we’re all here for fun and learning)
  • OP will declare winner in case of a tie
  • The challenge runs for at least 7 days from now on
  • Down votes will not be counted
  • Voting and final scoring will be done in a separate post.


At the end of the challenge the image with the most votes, wins!

The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone!

  • ThelsimOPM
    4 months ago


    @[email protected]

    "Yo, I’m the king of the Arctic, top of the frost,

    While you’re waddling lost on some South Pole rocks.

    I’m the beast of the north, with teeth like knives,

    While you slip ‘n’ slide, barely keepin’ alive.

    I’m six feet tall, got the muscle and the brawn,

    You’re a pint-sized bird, can’t even fly, come on.

    They call me the apex, the top of the line,

    You’re snack-sized, flappin’—couldn’t handle my grind.

    I’m the white ghost, huntin’ seals at night,

    While you shiver in groups, tryna huddle tight.

    I roam solo, 'cause I run the ice,

    You’re just fish food waddlin’—not worth the price."
