Looks like set dressing from Total Recall!
Love the Rebel Alliance colors. 😏Edit:
Okay, so it looks a bit sleeker than the cars in Total Recall.That car is uglier than a monkey’s armpit, but I guess they put a frame on top of an actual car and that’s the best they could do.
It looks like theyve tried to imitate the ferrari but without a budget
If you hadn’t told me, I would have put my money on that being a Lamborghini.
Right? Looks like a Countach with a body kit
Turning is so 1960’s
Where we’re going, we don’t take turns
Or changing wheels.
This is so goddamn cool
How does it steer?
The space between the frame and the tires is more pronounced than what it seems in this image. You can see it here in maintenance so it make more sense: https://youtu.be/m5Gwttn2D7w
In all honesty, I love how retro-futurist looks in images. But on video, it looks like something Sir Clive Sinclair would have designed (given enough budget).
It uses advanced technology to bend pavement-space-time in front of the car when it needs to turn.
It can bank the road to enable a roll and pitch maneuver instead of the regular front wheel yaw maneuver that most “steering” vehicles use to change direction.
Deutsche Bahn?
I would drive the fuck out of this! Quick, someone loan me a few million dollars so I can buy one!
“Make it like our competitors Countash, but even more cassetty!”
- Enzo Ferrari, probably
Was my #1 favorite car in my Matchbox / Hot Wheels cars as a kid.
If that bad boy runs you over, it’ll slice your legs clean off and save you money on a casket.
Any pedestrian hit by this thing would simply end up half a metre shorter.