Image ID

ID: A poster in 3 segments, 2 at the top and one bellow:

  1. The text “if we wait for the government it will be too late” above a drawing of 4 people meeting in an airconditioned building. One is Grey and is smiling and showing love to the others, saying “I love you guys!”. The 3 others are red, who is smoking a cigar, green holding a bag of cash, and yellow wearing a top hat represent gas oil and coal respectively.

  2. The text “if we act as individuals it will be too little” above a drawing of a person in a small but flourishing garden, they are holding up an apple they got from one of their trees, saying " Such… beauty!" with sparkly eyes. Beyond their fence to the left is an incoming tsunami, to the right are a field and trees on fire with bellowing smoke.

  3. The text “if we act as communities it might just be enough” above a drawing of several groups of people outside. From left to right, there are 3 people standing around a produce table that has a sign above it saying “crop swap on today!”, next to it is a small cabinet marked “seed library”. On the ground in the centre foreground are an adult and 3 children sitting around a campfire, the kids listening intently, the adult has the Australian Aboriginal flag on their shirt. Behind them are an adult and child getting a pizza out of an outdoor oven. To the right is a stall with a sign above it saying “refugees welcome”, in front of it are two adults, one is wearing a head scarf and is holding a baby. In front of the stall are 4 rows of crops growing from the ground.

Quote by Rob Hopkins in “From what is to what if”

Credit: @brenna-quinlan

    4 months ago

    No, Im not saying that at all, youre putting words in my mouth there or misunderstanding what I am taking issue with. The picture seems to imply some very specific things about farming specifically (note the mention of seed swaps and such, which arent bad things, but when the top image showing the problem shows a city, and the lower one showing community as a solution focuses on agriculture, its hard not to take the implication from it that the creator is advocating that their idea of community involves everyone being involved in food production rather than delegating to those members of the community that specialize in it, which is something that I think makes things worse on account of less efficient land usage that this implies, but gets used in this kind of imagery a lot. In other words, I think that pictures here dont actually depict the kind of community solution they want to show, and whether through accident or misunderstanding, looks more like some sort of greenwashing.

      4 months ago

      Jesus nonexistent Christ, dude! Use paragraphs, please!

      Your walls of text are reader-unfriendly to the point of almost being hostile!