Not promoting criminal activity just generally curious.

  • ryathal
    3 months ago

    Rough math wise and ATM can easily hold $40k. That’s 8.6 inches of $20 bills, it might be a mostly full ATM, but a believable amount.

    As for how easy it is to break into an ATM, it’s not easy, but it’s not impossible. They are designed to be serviceable by a single person, so the doors and locks while strong, aren’t going to hold up to the force of a vehicle or explosives from someone that knows what they are doing. The hard part is removing the cash box, which depending on the machine it can be easier to take the whole machine. Once you get the machine/box to a second location the security is irrelevant.

      3 months ago

      Serviced by three men (I’ve seen women doing the job too), one to sit in the armored vehicle holding a gun but otherwise bored; one to old a gun and watch the work but mostly looking bored; and one to open the machine and replace the cash. The first two are there to keep the person doing the work honest and be ready if someone attempts a robbery (have 40k in cash makes them a target). That is in a safe office building, I’m sure they have stricter policies in bad neighborhoods.