If you are gonna downvote, say something.

I can’t tell if you’re downvoting because you saw the word “blockchain”, or you really love it.

I’m using quotes in the title, because I suspect a major amount of people use the word “blockchain” loosely to refer to other related things. If you are willing to, please provide a definition of what you mean by “blockchain” as well.

  • Max-P@lemmy.max-p.me
    3 months ago

    I had to download like 60GB worth of blocks over about 2 weeks a couple months ago, just to confirm I’m indeed broke and nobody takes Zcash anymore anyway.

    The only thing it scales well at is needlessly sucking a stupid amount of power. The chains are huge and full of spam. Nobody can afford the gear to mine anymore so we’re back to the rich elites making more money.