My boy Figaro. Little bugger (he’s 8 months older now) just cost me 800$ in vet this week. But he’s the nicest boy out there so it’s already forgotten.

  • YerboutiOP
    3 hours ago

    To make a long story short, he came home in a poor state in the middle of the night last week. He was completely amorphous and seemed to be in a state of shock… unable to meow, even though he’s a cat who talks all the time. I took him to the vet in the morning, and they took x-rays and blood samples. It seems that he had suffered trauma and that there was equimosis near his lungs. I have no idea what could have happened to him… Montreal’s alleyways belong to the cats, very safe in general. It took a couple of days and how he’s almost 100% recovered! But he seems to be reluctant to jump, I wonder if he’s had a bad fall… He will stay home for another week.