Something you’re just good at with minimal effort and/or you learned much more quickly than average.

For me, it’s paper snowflakes. My brain just seems to effortlessly figure out what cuts to make to the paper wedge to make it turn out exactly how I want it. Largely useless, but good fun and was a much-needed ego boost when I was a kid :]

  • Johannes Jacobs
    4611 months ago

    I can hear you, listen to you, and forget about what you say all at the same time!

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        No you just say “yes” and move on with your life and then refuse to believe you agreed to be pegged by 56 bearded men in a Toyota Yaris when they insist you did.

    • andrew
      211 months ago

      The power to read a book page 3-4 times before full comprehension.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      Reminds me of an obvious/interesting factoid I once saw pointed out:

      Every single one of us is at the end of an unbroken line — aaalllll the way back to microorganisms — of folks / critters / etc. that lived long enough to procreate.

      Hearty fuckers, every one of us. In a certain sense…

  • @[email protected]
    4111 months ago

    I have an excellent sense of time and space, i can accurately tell how much time and distance I’ve gone without tools. Im great to bring along for a hike.

    • @fartsparkles
      2111 months ago

      Out of interest, do you have a vague ability to tell orientation (magnetic north) with your eyes closed? Research is showing some people have magnetoreception and that it may have been more common in our human ancestors but lost to many over time.

      It could explain why you’re so good at telling distance and time.

        • @fartsparkles
          1011 months ago

          If you’re ever bored one night, close your eyes and get a friend to rotate you around (gently and slowly) then get you to turn yourself to point where you feel north is. Do this 10 times, logging how far of you were from north and see how accurate you are from random.

          You might have a hidden sense that’s incredibly rare in humans!

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Hahaha no, I can assure you, people like me can get lost inside an elevator. It’s easy for you to tell directions, but not everyone. I wish I could!

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      I have the same thing. I’m pretty sure there’s a word for this sense, but it eludes me at the moment.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          Pretty sure that’s a skill too - probably confuses attackers who try to pre-empt your movements.

          • xuxebiko
            111 months ago

            and you have the talent to find the silver lining in every cloud . Bravo!

  • Chariotwheel
    2611 months ago

    I am a really quick reader compared to most people. Doesn’t sound that amazing and it’s certainly not unique, but it comes really handy. Always helped me with exams, as I got some precious minutes more to actually work instead of reading. I can go through books and articles really fast. Retention is not amazing, I’d say it’s about the same as when most people read in their normal speed.

    I really envy the people that can read quickly and retain everything. But I am also content with being relatively quick.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Not that but I can skim quickly and find the vital takeaways! Mostly useful for studies or reading recepies.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      If you stop trying to vocalise the words in your head you can really break away from the the time limit and just fly through text.

      This is what I do when I’m reading academic papers for writing reports to see if the content is what I need.

      Takes a few seconds to scan it, take the understanding and made a decision on if it’s worthwhile or not.

      There’s also websites where you can drop text and it will train you to read this way.

  • @[email protected]
    2111 months ago

    Sure you think paper snowflakes are useless but wait for an elementary school play to need set design and they will crawl in their hands and knees to rescue them 😉

    • spicy pancakeOP
      1011 months ago

      I just got a new job at a place where my coworkers are really into seasonal decorations, so I’m low key excited for winter

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    1911 months ago

    my two special snowflake things:

    i can stop my own hiccups at will 100% of the time

    i have always lucid dreamed since as far back as i can remember, i genuinely believed that everyone experienced sleep like that until i was in my mid-twenties

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Same here on the lucid dreams, I didn’t even know it had a name, and I was surprised when people said that they don’t control their dreams.

      But the hiccups… Mate, you’re a wizard.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    I’m great with mechanical puzzles. I apparently have a really good intuition about how things interact.

    I only know that I’m unique about it because of a military test my highschool made us take where I scored higher than 99% of people who took the test. I just thought it was the “easy” portion. I’m also pretty good at logic puzzles, but it definitely doesn’t feel as “natural” as mechanical puzzles.

    If you’re wondering, no, I didn’t go into engineering because it turns out I’m not really good at math.

    • spicy pancakeOP
      1011 months ago

      With math, is it arithmetic that gives you trouble or the actual symbolic manipulation of mathematics?

      I am hot garbage at keeping track of numbers but turn those fuckers into letters and (at least for me) it’s off to the races. Then I just convert everything back to numbers in the last step before jamming it all into a calculator. This method saved my ass in 400-level biochemistry courses. (Annoyed the shit out of the grad students grading my exams, I’m sure…)

      You may be better at “math” than you think :]

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        I assure you, I’m really just not good at math. It just doesn’t click with me the same way physical systems do.

        Being bad at math was the short explanation; the long explanation is because pure math is super unintuitive to me, I got low grades in it throughout public school and therefore never pursued a college that would go into it heavily, even though I love the sciences. I ended up just going to my mom’s Alma Mater, which is a liberal art school and therefore didn’t have an engineering department. I actually did end up getting a computational physics degree because I loved my intro to physics class so much. When I could actually relate the formulae to physical systems, I was good. Did great in my upper level calculus classes, too, because I took them in parallel to the physics classes that directly used them. However, the more theoretical classes like linear algebra I barely passed and when it got to really complicated particle/quantum stuff I suffered greatly. Wave functions are a blight upon this world and my electricity and magnetism final made me cry.

        • spicy pancakeOP
          111 months ago

          Good on you for just casually getting a computational physics degree without inherent math talent… like holy shit that’s impressive!

          I have also cried over coursework on linear algebra as well as electricity and magnetism :') Brutal stuff.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Please could you explain a bit more about the process you describe, above? Maybe with some simple examples? I’m woeful at maths but really good with mechanical and physical problems. If there’s a way I can improve upon the former, I’d love to try.

        Thanks in advance!

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          C = BxA

          Move A underneath C and swap the equality

          B = C/A

          A lot of algebra is spatial manipulation.

    • Sickos [they/them, it/its]
      611 months ago

      Mechanical adept here too. I am very good at holding and manipulating 3d objects in my brain, so I can kinda always just tell how something goes together to work.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        I lived in Canada for 6 months surviving on nothing but being a medical Guinea pig (I had no working permit and due to anonymity, very little was asked of people participating in medical trials, plus they paid a decent amount especially if pain or discomfort was involved); as part of this I went through a raft of IQ tests (there was always some gambling addiction trial going at UofT for some reason) and found out that, like you, I have exceptional visual intelligence - rotating objects in my head, and figuring out if something would fit together was super skills of mine. In every other way I’m decidedly average.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Wow we’re actually very different there. My visualization skills suck. Like, I’ve tried that thing where you imagine an apple in your head and rotate it, but I can’t even fully visualize a 2d apple. If I’m looking at a system though, I can just understand how it works without visualizing anything about it. Because of that, I did have to draw out some diagrams from the word problems on the aformentioned military test…

        Probably a major part to why I’m still not fully convinced I’m actually doing anything out of the ordinary. I’m not using any special skills or anything - the questions on that test felt to me about the same as asking “what would happen if you pushed this wheel from the top of this hill”.

  • @[email protected]
    1911 months ago

    Chess. I’ve been playing since I was a kid, and sometimes I’ll create new accounts on chess websites to see how quickly I’ll get them rated to 2000+. I’m living proof that chess players aren’t that smart though because I’m a dumbass when it comes to literally anything else.

  • @[email protected]
    1611 months ago

    I’m good at puzzles, particularly like jigsaw puzzles, but also games like flow where you match the pipes. I can sometimes do it so quickly I don’t understand how I know what I’m doing, it’s more like instinct.

    • @LetKCater2U
      211 months ago

      I have the same superpower and I love all the Flow Free games. And you’re right, I can’t even explain to myself how I know what to do. 🤷🏽‍♀️

      I’m the same way with word puzzles/games, but I can’t even split a check without a calculator lol.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
    11 months ago

    I have unusual muscle control - I can make my eyebrows and knees dance, plus I am a regurgitator. Not as good as Stevie Starr but enough to have a disgusting party piece. I am disappointed that I never mastered the art of the flatulist.

  • @agamemnonymous
    1611 months ago

    I’m fantastic at volumetric estimation, like when choosing the smallest Tupperware that will fit all the leftovers.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Do you always make the same volume of food or do you just have an insane amount of tupperware of all different sizes to make it just barely fit every time

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          The second thing we have a big drawer with random sizes of tupperware containers and i just take the one looks like it fits and it is very close every time

          • Mom Nom Mom
            211 months ago

            just take the one looks like it fits and it is very close every time

            “Very close” is easy - it’s the “very close without going over” that’s tricky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            But it’s not something I can do unless it’s accidental…

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I can do this as I’m drinking something - one gulp is roughly one ounce. Was especially handy with water fountains when tracking my hydration, but that hasn’t been relevant since 2019.

  • @LetKCater2U
    1411 months ago

    I’m really good at getting cats to vocally respond to me. I don’t know if I’m just on their wavelength or what, but almost every time I start a convo with a kitty I get a response. Oddly specific, but also pretty fun. Kids love it lol.