Around the world, there are no reports of anyone disappearing or suddenly ascending while plenty of the devout and desperate commit suicide by the thousands.

  • litchralee
    2 months ago

    The aspect that didn’t quite click for me is whether a “revered prophet” making an announcement would be bona fide confirmation that the rapture is beginning. Incorrect rapture declarations – if one even believes in the Christian Rapture – have been made before and in those cases, no one has similarly been observed to be taken away to heaven.

    Perhaps the horror could be conveyed by way of some sort of unambiguous definitely-from-God sign that the rapture has started. Maybe some kind of battle-royale sign in the sky that counts the number of people taken to heaven – and it remains stuck at zero. Or taking a page from Liu Cixin’s famous trilogy, have the counter be in everyone’s field of vision, even when their eyes are closed.