Once presenting itself as one of the world’s most welcoming countries to refugees and immigrants, Canada is launching a global online ad campaign cautioning asylum-seekers that making a claim is hard.

The C$250,000 ($178,662) in advertisements will run through March in 11 languages, including Spanish, Urdu, Ukrainian, Hindi and Tamil, the immigration department told Reuters. They are part of a broader shift in tone by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s unpopular government on immigration and an effort to clamp down on refugee claims.

Migrants have been blamed for high housing prices, although some experts argue this is a simplistic explanation, and polls show a growing number of Canadians think the country admits too many newcomers.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The high housing prices are directly-produced by “property investment” which raises residential-housing-costs for sake of passive profit.

    Anybody who pretends that that doesn’t alter the market is gaslighting or incompetent: pick one.

    Cripes, even seeing slumlord charging $$ for a few square-feet beneath a staircase, & that being allowed by the municipality, because people are sooo desparate for housing of ANY kind, thanks to the phony/jacked market…

    “priorities”, that’s called, eh?

    ( the whole “you can’t be devout to 2, opposite, G-D’s, simultaneously” principle is true:

    Either worship psychopathic-parasitism, XOR put living-worth above it honestly,

    but don’t “sit on your hands” so you can “do both”: you aren’t doing both, “representative” government.

    Governments representing psychopathic-parasitism … speaks kinda loudly, nowadays, throughout the world, doesn’t it? )

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