ATMs are a nightmare for folks using non-SEPA cards. The biggest problem is getting solid info. E.g. this page falsely claims “Withdrawal limit: Bank ATMs in Netherlands have a withdrawal limit of 400 euros per transaction. However, there is no limit on the number of withdrawals per day.” The €400 per transaction limit is widely understood to be for non-eurozone cards, not local cards – but in fact that’s also a bogus rumor because I have seen a non-eurozone card get ~€440 before. And the claim of no limit on the number of transactions is apparently nonsense too.

ABN·AMRO claims the limit is €2k. That’s probably correct for local cards but certainly not foriegn cards.

This page is one of few to acknowledge a difference between local cards and non-local cards. But still dicey info. “€250 - €400 if you use a foreign card” (the limit /can/ be higher than €400). But what’s interesting is the site shows a range. So which machines can push limits for foreign cards the most?

I think the swindle is like this: the ATMs charge foreign cards a transaction fee of €4 (which is probablly legally capped since ATMs are a near Geldmaat monopoly in most of Netherlands). Since that’s a flat fee, it makes sense for consumers to pull out as much as they can in one go (to the extent of their need). The lower the limit, the more recurrances of €4 they can charge. The anti-competitive maneuvering they’re doing is to conceal the limit. Without transparency, consumers are forced to guess. If they guess wrong too many times, the card can be confiscated by the machine, reported, or frozen. So there is pressure to under-estimate the limit.

Anyway, what is the highest amount anyone has pulled out of a Dutch ATM in recent years using a non-euro card?

(By the way, I was forced to choose a language to tag my post with and Dutch was the only choice. Yet the sidebar contains English. So I am submitting this English text with a Dutch tag in order to make the “post” button sensitive in alexandrite)

  • Tar_Alcaran
    2 months ago

    The vast majority of ATMs are Geldmaat. Their page is here:

    I never found them to have limits with a foreign card, or at least, 550 euro was no problem last year, though you do pay a higher withdrawal fee above 400 euro. If your foreign card doesn’t use euros, it’s 5% for DCC (which isn’t exactly great either).