Day 5: Print Queue
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That was an easy one, once you define a comparator function. (At least when you have a sorting function in your standard-library.) The biggest part was the parsing. lol
import kotlin.text.Regex fun main() { fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = parseInput(input).sumOf { if (it.isCorrectlyOrdered()) it[it.size / 2].pageNumber else 0 } fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = parseInput(input).sumOf { if (!it.isCorrectlyOrdered()) it.sorted()[it.size / 2].pageNumber else 0 } val testInput = readInput("Day05_test") check(part1(testInput) == 143) check(part2(testInput) == 123) val input = readInput("Day05") part1(input).println() part2(input).println() } fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<List<Page>> { val (orderRulesStrings, pageSequencesStrings) = input.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.partition { Regex("""\d+\|\d+""").matches(it) } val orderRules = { with(it.split('|')) { this[0].toInt() to this[1].toInt() } } val orderRulesX = { it.first }.toSet() val pages = { pageNumber -> val orderClasses = orderRules.filter { it.first == pageNumber }.map { it.second } Page(pageNumber, orderClasses) }.associateBy { it.pageNumber } val pageSequences = { sequenceString -> sequenceString.split(',').map { pages[it.toInt()] ?: Page(it.toInt(), emptyList()) } } return pageSequences } /* * An order class is an equivalence class for every page with the same page to be printed before. */ data class Page(val pageNumber: Int, val orderClasses: List<Int>): Comparable<Page> { override fun compareTo(other: Page): Int = if (other.pageNumber in orderClasses) -1 else if (pageNumber in other.orderClasses) 1 else 0 } fun List<Page>.isCorrectlyOrdered(): Boolean = this == this.sorted()