Maybe I’m just face-blind or being dense but the photos from the scene of the crime look like a different dude than the ginning hostel check in guy. The jackets and backpacks are different. Although people can have multiple jackets and backpacks. We don’t see much of the shooters face but the eyebrows look different. Although, people can pluck/shave eyebrows. I guess the happy hostel guy would have come forward and been like “WTF?” and “I have an alibi” if it wasn’t him?

    3 个月前

    I really dislike the hero worship going on. For all we know, that particular dude might be a paid hitman.

    Yeah, but death of the author and all that.

    Maybe the guy was hired by the victim’s wife because she thought he was cheating on her or something, and the casings and whatnot are just a misdirection… but if desperate people with nothing left to lose and a lot to avenge get inspired by it and start shooting (or just harassing) CEOs, it doesn’t matter what the original reason was.

    For now, American health insurance company CEOs seem to be afraid enough to remove their personal details from public sites, probably more because they see the reactions to the murder than because of the murder itself… so that’s something, at least.

    Given the political situation in the USA I very much doubt anything positive will come from politicians and the corporate class learning the sheer extent to which these CEOs and their corporations and their practices are despised by the general population (if anything, they’ll attempt to tighten the yoke, which will just further radicalise people)… but revolutions have started for less.