Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 24°C. 90% chance of no rain

    2 months ago

    Made it down the Bellarine to fix some watering problems. Chillos have had a week off water but they’re not looking too bad:

    This is sort of the ‘don’t have to worry too much’ stage thankfully.

    Two schools of thought for spacing. Some say they like to ‘hold hands’ so plant them close, others say the opposite. This year they’re holding hands.

      2 months ago

      IIRC a lack of water over a short period can promote stronger root growth in chillies so the week off may have benefited you against windy weather. Those are looking gorgeous!

      Nice irrigation system btw! I need to build/install mine this weekend, but with Sunday being 30° and Monday being 40° it’s going to end up into late next week isn’t it?

      I’m on the space side of the debate btw, so please let me know if this approach works better for you this season. Reason for my stance is that it gives them more room to grow and establish a root system that is more sturdily overwintered.

      Also this season I found out that if you have 2+ seeds germinate in one jiffy pellet and you just yank the younger sprouting one with force ignoring any root care and place it in a second jiffy pellet that they don’t care about their roots that early and, go on to thrive with no delay / lag in growth. Makes me wish I’d had never culled all but one multiple germinations in one cell.

        2 months ago

        I need to build/install mine this weekend

        Ooh nice. I definitely found chillies enjoy routine water.

        I’m usually on the space side of the debate too so we’ll see what happens heh.