Sam Altman is one of the dullest, most incurious and least creative people to walk this earth. This is, after all, the person who once tweeted 'i am a stochastic parrot and so are u', in response to Emily Bender's (entirely incisive and absolutely brilliant) critique of what his large language models are *actually doing*.
actually you know what? with all the motte and baileying, you can take a month off. bye!
Petition to replace “motte and bailey” per the Batman clause with “lying like a dipshit”.
Isn’t this a case of ‘the good bits are not original and the original bits are not good’. According to wikipedia it is from 2005.
I fucking love how goddamn structured kym is ito semiotics and symbolism
it’s an amazing confluence that might not have happened if persons unknown didn’t care, but they did. and thus we have it! phenomenal