should be the case with all of them. If you don’t have two seperate, distinct hookups then there is no competition. And really should be half a dozen options.
I have exactly 1 option of a variety of types. ATT fiber, ATT DSL, Spectrum cable, T-Mobile home service, etc. There is literally no overlap at each level. I suppose you could call that competition but the only ones really competing are ATT and Spectrum, and that’s only been in the last 6 months.
Internet is a utility. We should nationalize it.
should be the case with all of them. If you don’t have two seperate, distinct hookups then there is no competition. And really should be half a dozen options.
I have exactly 1 option of a variety of types. ATT fiber, ATT DSL, Spectrum cable, T-Mobile home service, etc. There is literally no overlap at each level. I suppose you could call that competition but the only ones really competing are ATT and Spectrum, and that’s only been in the last 6 months.
Should’ve in like 1999
Good luck with that in trumps America