• Cris@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I think if someone serves in our military we ought to provide for whatever the fuck medical need they and their doctor decide is best for them.

    I’m so tired of this stupid bullshit.

  • “The bill now heads to President Joe Biden’s desk, where he must decide whether to sign it into law or issue a veto. While Biden has previously pledged to veto anti-trans legislation, rejecting the NDAA would risk jeopardizing military funding for 2025, a move with uncertain and potentially far-reaching consequences.”

    I personally consider biden justa politician like the others and 99% sure he won’t veto cuz that would ‘mess up the system’ too much… But I would instantly change my view of him and be the biggest biden fangirl complete with UwU Biden Plushies if he veto’d and simultaneously pwned both the antitrans attempt AND military spending with single veto.