
  • 153 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • Interesting reading the article. It sounds like it has nothing to do with that it’s golf and is, instead, simply the cost of security when he travels.

    It’s funny how I read articles like this and find disgust at how the headline implications mislead in order to foster hate for Trump. It is two things: when Trump travels, the costs of security are astronomically high… and he sometimes travels to play golf on the weekend. The headline fosters hate by portraying things as ‘the richperson hobby trump does is draining your hard earned money’ while, upon reading the article, the cost is security so if he were, for example, traveling to ghana to save orphans, the security cost would still be there. I hate people who play dirty. Making note now huffpost is to be avoided. It’s ironic I’m a total revolutionary freedom for everyone farthest left type person so I’m naturally on Lemmy instead of anywhere rightleaning… Which causes me to see the leftside dirty fighting and be like wtf at it. Too bad both american sides are so nasty. Can we get a side that makes articles that don’t feel like they are predatorily doing whatever they can to align readers with their side and, instead, are just honest takes on reality? I feel like I’m alone able to notice this in a sea of people colored either blue or red that are essentially mindless molecules, sculpted by blue or red media, that make up their respective wave. I find the intent to mislead disgusting and don’t want to be the target of it. I have many ideals. Infringing on the freedom of individuals such as what is happening to trans rights right now is not ok. But an issue with having ideals is they can’t really be turned off and, for example, here I am just telling you exactly what I think. I am not deceiving you, twisting facts to mislead you, none of it. I have ideals this media does not. I am literally on a higher level, morally, than the people who make these articles. So, when I look at them and feel that nasty intent to sway me to their political army through cherry picking, deception, misleading headlines, and whatever else the political sides of america have agreed is acceptable, it’s like being a decent person having a slaver come up to me and try to convince me of something. No. They don’t get to even speak to me until they fix themselves. Bye huffpost.

  • Interesting. so he’s telling Taiwan and Japan to start getting their own militaries strong enough that they can stand on their own. I have no automatic hostility toward the general concept were it done healthily (making sure both Taiwan and Japan transition to good military without issue). It’s a matter of self sufficiency and that, at some point, each place should be baseline strong enough on all crucial facets of it’s empire to stand on it’s own. Better to be able to and choose not to than to not be able to. Having puppies just weaned right now, I don’t disagree with the behavior. Weaning Taiwan and Japan off American military will help both longterm and also get american tendrils out of foreign stuff. Just my take. Feel free to downvote to negative infinity since I’m agreeing with a trump decision. Taiwan just has to hope Trump doesn’t give them to China, which he may be doing. he appease all the bigwigs they let him stay king forever? That tha plan? he going to give ukrain to russia, taiwan to china, then pres for life backed by china russia?

  • Ok say if this interests you.

    Starts with a synth for Main Character and Space Drudgery.

    And after two, I guess they are big measures, TEH NIGHTLING HORDS. or chords. Anyway, NIGHTLINGS! whatever they are. I’m thinking exotic space conquerors of which the Necromongers from chronicles of riddick are most similar.

    Then teh main character returns and does their normal chillaxin. But what dis weird stuff? Nightlings? And then broken weird transition measure. Adventure goes on pause replaced by Nightling craziness. Eventually main character becomes nightling superleader like riddick or dune. Adventure returns and supporting cast returns.

    And then cuz its lame when stories end b4 showing the empire after the conflict, I placed a nice long epilogue of all teh instruments getting more confident and bosser and, at teh end, Space Drudgery again xcept now it’s a pretty thing instead of monotonous and repetitive. Thus evolution of space.

    There is more if scrolled down but unimportant.

    will msg the file.

    i cant tell without headphones if i got it to a shareable state but i believe i did. Want to collab this one? maybe you do stuff to it while i get headphones in like 4 days from nao?