cross-posted from:

  • Los Angeles County health officials are investigating a case of three cats presumed to have H5N1 bird flu
  • County officials confirmed the disease in two other cats who drank recalled raw milk and died

December 18, 2024

UPDATED: Confirmed H5 Bird Flu Detected in Los Angeles County Cats That Consumed Recalled Raw Milk - Public Health Investigating Additional Possible Cases in Cats

  • Flying
    3 months ago

    L.A. has a terrible feral cat problem and people fucking feed them all the time. In the first apartment complex where I lived in the Hollywood Hills, not only did several people just leave cat food out in multiple bowls for the feral cats, other animals would come out of the hills and eat them too. I had to wait to go to my apartment more than once because a skunk was eating out of a cat food bowl on the walkway before I got to it.

    • Feral cats are awfull. Here in aus in some states any non registered cat gets euthanised. Sounds cruel till u realise feral cats (and dickheads who let their cats out at night) kill millions of endangered birds and possums and are the primary cause of many spiecies decline.

      33 mammal species have been driven to extinction and cats are responsible for many (thats just mammals). They are a pest and one of the worste things we have done to the environment (well at least here in australia).

      Here is a picture of a Quoll we might lose them all forever if cats keep going at their current rate.

      Fuck cats.