Hope you have all had a lovely day! And if not and you want to vent or chat, then i’m here to listen xx

  • Marduk73
    2 months ago

    Yes and thank you for the advice and concern. I instantly started going to church functions from several churches of varying types. Reason? People, meet regularly, free. I’m Buddhist but had started out as a southern Baptist in Missouri usa. There are hardly any Buddhist sanghas (congregation) that I can attend and isn’t zoom. I just need to be be outside, walk dog for exercise. Found a divorce care support group at a local Lutheran church. Went to my first meeting already. Tomorrow on Friday is my first therapy/councilor appointment.
    Called an old friend I know since freshman year and we will start hanging out again. Called mom when I was in the store bawling my eyes out for a very brief moment. She helped ground me. It’s not easy. But I’ve done a lot in five days since I found out. My wife and I still love each other very much and are working together so we both can survive this.