I am gonna be honest. Atomic Habits and the like helped me immensely recover my life outside the work. I don’t have lotsa energy, and I have no motivation whatsoever. It was always like that. But these shitass books, well, more excerpts from them actually helped me to get back some of my life. After that, I managed to start working on my mental health.
What I am going for is - don’t bash something only because it’s being sold. :( These are just tools.
I felt the Fight Club line was pretty clearly tongue i n cheek, but to be clear - I have nothing wrong with self improvement for yourself, with organic rationale.
The grindset lifestyle is super toxic though, and the wellness influencers are just yogis reskinned imo.
The left side is the lifestyles people sell to you in a futile effort to ‘beat the grind set’ required by “line goes up, forever” capitalism.
The right side is min-maxing your output to actualize your rewards in that system, at the cost of your lifespan.
The only winning move is not to play.
I am gonna be honest. Atomic Habits and the like helped me immensely recover my life outside the work. I don’t have lotsa energy, and I have no motivation whatsoever. It was always like that. But these shitass books, well, more excerpts from them actually helped me to get back some of my life. After that, I managed to start working on my mental health.
What I am going for is - don’t bash something only because it’s being sold. :( These are just tools.
I felt the Fight Club line was pretty clearly tongue i n cheek, but to be clear - I have nothing wrong with self improvement for yourself, with organic rationale.
The grindset lifestyle is super toxic though, and the wellness influencers are just yogis reskinned imo.
Thank you. This is the only thing that makes sense to me.
The right side looks like one hell of a fun night to me.