I’m sorry, what?
ArcaSpace is one of the most well known aerospace companies, and 98% of our audience is male. Through the ArcaFashion line we aim to expand the ArcaSpace brand recognition among women too. Now women don’t necessarily have to be passioned about rockets to find out about ArcaSpace, now they can wear ArcaSpace.
By wearing ArcaFashion, our exclusive customers send out the message of wonderment and success.
This might be the most cringe move by an “aerospace” company that I’ve ever seen.
Edit: There’s a video too.
Thanks, the video really sells it for me. I’d been struggling with just how to judge how bad this all is, as I was assuming that the poor translation to english was partly responsible. No, I guess that wasn’t a huge factor.
I am just disappointed that the clothing seems only to be made to be worn by women. I think there may be a market for flashy codpieces constructed of aerospace materials.
I’m a dude but my outfit is totally missing some flashy red knockers.
Seems to be their modus operandi, doesn’t it?