Edit: thanks everyone for asking me questions I had a lot of fun doing this and answering all of them. You are all very kind and friendly and it’s much appreciated :)
Feel free to continue asking me things if you see this, I will continue answering as long as they come because I think it’s a lot of fun.
did you ever find bugs bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?
Maybe just a little
What about Minerva Minx, or Gadget when she put on that red dress and made her voice all sultry, or any other similar characters?
Yeah they’re kinda hot icl
Maid Marian or Robin Hood as foxes? Are we just trying to make you a furry or
it does appear that the furry allegations are building
I don’t think you need to be furry to appreciate this, but it certainly doesn’t help .
Neither did I, I was just asking…