The Pentagon also approved funding for content involving YouTube star Jimmy Donaldson, a.k.a. MrBeast, who was slated to lead a humanitarian effort in Puerto Rico.
What a headline, what an article.
ah yes, mr beast, the world renowned humanitarian
He has genuinely given a ton of money to charity, to be fair.
He puts himself first with his charitable exploitation porn. I’m sure he deserves to be a billionaire.
Only less than the profit he made. He’s also a fraudster and abuser and deserves to be in jail.
The sweepstakes fraud is just… Rampant. I’m surprised he’s gotten away with it for so long.
That’s why they target children.
Children can’t tell when they’re being scammed
Has he really or has he just directed sponsors money to organizations he likes?
What’s the difference?
This is a legitimate question.
One is his money, the other isn’t.
But both result in a charity getting money?
There isn’t a difference in the end result, and they’re desperate to find a reason to hate the guy.
He’s not a likeable character, to be fair.
He takes credit for the sponsor’s donation. So I would argue it is worse.
A chunk of both, I think.
What the absolute FUCK
Citizens: please give us healthcare or infrastructure or education or help the homeless…
Gov’t: m i s t o r b e e s t
Do you want health care? All you need to do is make it through this obstacle course.
That is kind of the gist of basic training though… And the military has free healthcare…
Until Republicans decide that not all healthcare is equal.
Yeah, I fully expect them to enshittify the military so they can hire whatever Black Water is calling themselves these days instead.
Can anyone explain Mr. beast to me, and what his appeal is?
He and his team figured out the YouTube algorithm. He then took the money and spend it back on production. Because there are no guidelines or regulations of YouTube videos production, he is able to use any ethical or non-ethical tactics. His videos is treated like a high budget movie where every second count.
Companies sees his money and everyone want to get piece of the cacke so he is more visible to demographic outside of his target audience.
He also invests a lot in localisation which makes his videos appealing to non western audiences.
He’s a bucky little fuck with dead eyes and a forced smile who practices philanthropy for clout, but up until recently you couldn’t criticize him because of the philanthropy – even when pointing out that said philanthropy is weird and immoral when it’s only being done for fame and self-promotion. Due to this paradox, he had everyone in a sort of stalemate. Fortunately, a lot has since come out about him being a sociopathic piece of human shit, so now we can kick him while he’s down.
i think your rocketship is broken homie
Guess my boy’s been bouncin’ on it too hard.
I gave his AMZ prime show a chance. After the 3rd self-sacrifice round and a bunch of lame games I couldn’t continue. Something about his smile reminds me of this
Hey now… Ritchie’s smile is legitimate.
Outstanding guy. The creepiness of that video can’t be ignored ;)
Money a lot of money that’s the appeal
Things like surviving in a nuclear bunker, surviving stranded on an island appeals to the imagination of kids. The only difference is that he actually* does it.
*As real as a realityshow, but it’s a big difference with the usual clickbait.
Oh. I thought he had a kids’ show. That shit appeals to MY imagination. He really does those things? Not that it matters; I can’t stand looking at his face.
Yes, I have no clue how he gets his videos budget but it somehow works out. I have only seen a few videos because the way it’s presented, the constant shouting, and the over the top video effects have prevented me from enjoying them.
I did watch a recent video from Jeff Geerling in which he helped to set up the stage for a game, it was quite interesting to have a look behind the scenes.
Wild scenarios, over exaggerated reactions, and giveaways. He really appeals to children with add.
Finally, my tax dollars going to things I want!
MrBeast doesn’t need it.
I suspect the other two don’t either
The army needs it.
The military budget needs to be decimated.
I think we could do more than a 10% cut.
Flavortown does not need foreign aid.
And yet of those listed this is a close to not a bad idea they got.
Flavortown being the least bad is still funny though.