Last year, out of nowhere I got this impulsion to deal with my addictions, gaming and watching sports. Quitting gaming was hard but I was able to do it. Quitting watching sports was way easier.

Now with two big time killers out of my way, everything in my life has become boring. Entire New Year day was boring. Now I’m literally dreading getting free time. I dread my time at work and now dreading it in my free time too. Makes me think I got myself into an awful situation. I don’t use Instagram or tiktok, never did. In this time period where I have quit these both addictions, people have asked what the heck do I do in my free time and I don’t have any answer besides “I watch YouTube haha”.

I really need something fun to do that I enjoy. I mostly stay home and don’t go outside home except for work, so please recommend something inside my comfort zone. I know, I should go outside to places for fun but that’s for another time when I feel motivated to try something out of comfort zone. Thanks.

Edit: Thank you all for taking your time and writing me so many things. Some of the things are ones which I always wanted to do and some of the things which are very new to me. Will try bunch of them and see how it goes 👍

    2 months ago

    First off: time you enjoy is not time wasted. So, while gaming and watching TV (not just sports) may not be activities which provide some sort of self-improvement, they can be useful activities in providing for relaxation and stress relief. Humans generally don’t do well when forced to be “on” every waking minute of the day. We need downtime to decompress and allow our brains to relax. “Play time” is a useful thing. Don’t just abandon your enjoyed activities because they are looked down upon by some segments of society. Like all things though, they can be taken to an extreme. If you find that those activities were interfering with work, socializing or getting things done, which need to be done (e.g. home maintenance, self-care, etc.) that’s when you should start worrying about addiction.

    That said, if you are looking for other “play time” activities you can take up in the comfort of your own home, there are quite a few:

    • Reading - find books you enjoy and read them.
    • Model building - hit a hobby store and find models you find interesting, buy and build one.
    • Model rocketry - Similar to model building, but you get to shoot them into the sky.
    • Home brewing - It’s like chemistry, but you get to drink the end products. Check your local laws before starting.
    • Home distilling - As brewing, except the results are even more fun. Again, check you local laws.
    • Painting/Drawing/Art - Why not make something you like to look at?
    • 3d Printing - Learn to hate first layers. Maybe make something cool.
    • Wood working - Build stuff, enjoy the smell of sawdust.
    • Metal working - Whether blacksmithing or welding.

    If you are willing to get out and “touch grass”, instead of watching sports, you could do some. Though, this often costs money and means dealing with people. On the upshot, you might meet some nice people and improve your health.

    In short, find something you enjoy doing and don’t be ashamed of doing it. Just don’t let it interfere with the things in life you need to get done.