• @9488fcea02a9
    41 year ago

    all this talk about people not wanting to go back to the office is actually people not wanting to DRIVE to the office…

    my commute is a 30m of trees, and fresh air… i don’t really mind coming into the office once or twice a week. most of my colleagues don’t even own a car and we all feel the same way

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      I don’t fully agree with this. My commute is reasonable but I still prefer to work from home because it’s a more comfortable environment for me, I have my desk set up how I like, I can put my legs up or sit on the sofa if I want, I have the food I like etc.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I live in the Netherlands, where a huge percentage of people commute by bicycle.

      People also don’t want to go back into the office here either. My work has been begging people to actually come back into the office (another advantage of NL is that worker protections make it really hard to fire people, and firing people who are working hard just not from the place the employer wants is unlikely to be successful).

      So I think this idea is largely irrelevant to cars/driving.

  • Turkey_Titty_city
    1 year ago

    my dad became an abusive piece of shit because he spent 3+ hours in a car everyday.

    and frankly anytime i am in the car that long I too want to scream and abuse someone.