
A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue and Green are sitting on the opposite ends of a mattress, with a scrungled-up fitted sheet resting on top of the mattress between them. The foxes look at each other, full of confidence. Green: Ready to tackle putting on the fitted sheet? Blue: Yep!

Blue and Green begin to struggle with the sheet, stretching it over the mattress. Blue: Is it still on right? Green: No! The left corner escaped!

After great painstaking efforts, the foxes succeed. Standing on the opposite sides of the now sheet-covered mattress, they admire the fruits of their hard work. Green: Phew! Finally!

The foxes draw back in surprise as the mattress suddenly gives in under the strain of the bedsheet, folding nearly in half into a banana shape, as the corners of the mattress are pulled up by the corners of the sheet.

    3 months ago

    Here’s what I do:

    1. Place sheet upside-down on bed (or sufficiently large surface).
    2. Make sure the elastic bits don’t hang off the side.
    3. Slide hands under the elastic bits and push out the four corners, so you have a roughly mattress-sized rectangle.
    4. Grab two of the corners and fold the whole thing onto the other two corners, so that the elastic bits are contained inside.
    5. Now you can continue folding in half, like you’d fold anything else.