Seven & i was classified as “core” to Japan’s national security in September, raising questions as to whether it was a defensive move. The finance ministry said at the time that the classification would not create hurdles to a potential buyout.
Canadian Government: Visible confusion
Akazawa said convenience stores and their distribution networks could be utilised in the event of disaster to help bring hot food to people in affected regions, for example.
“If Seven & i’s convenience store business is in foreign hands and run solely for profits, we’ll have to think about various things, such as whether we can we get full support when our people affected by the disaster are suffering,” he said.
US Government: Also visible confusion as it wrangles two steel companies in a makeshift kennel
Wait. !holdthefuckup.
7-11 is a Japanese company‽‽
No, it’s American. This is the Japanese government telling the US government to stop being nationalistic about the US Steel/Nippon Steel merger.
I looked it up, it’s owned by a Japanese company. They bought ownership of it, 70% in 1993 and then 100% in 2005, so it did start as an American company.
Lawson’s > Family Mart > Japan 7/11 US 7/11 belongs in the garbage.
You are correct. Still miss my old shop99 though.