Defeatism, cynicism, doomerism, essentialism, materialism, anti-intellectualism, consumerism, and cruelty are everywhere on the Internet… and I’m just not into it anymore.

I used to buy into self-limiting beliefs because I thought they were answers from people with more life experience than me, but they just limited my thinking and led me astray. They were why I was insecure and unhappy. They were why I was doing nothing to make my life better.

Once I started to push back on all of the Internet’s supposed “wisdom,” I figured out that my fundamentally flawed beliefs were paralyzing me from actually doing anything with my life and being brave enough to take risks, especially socially. I’m noticeably happier, I’ve developed a positive life outlook, and I’m more comfortable in my own skin because I stopped getting my opinions from the Internet and started thinking for myself.

I recognized that others’ opinions don’t define reality. Opinions are the result of someone’s life experiences filtered through their brain. They may have some value, but they are often incredibly biased and should not be taken as gospel. If you take them all seriously, you will be riddled with insecurities in no time flat, subconsciously trying to appeal to people who you don’t even like and would never be friends with.

I honestly can’t say I know who social media is even for at this point. There is so much content promoting unhealthy ways of thinking just haphazardly strewn about everywhere. I don’t know how anyone can avoid it all. I don’t know if the benefits can outweigh the costs. Even the most harmless content is forgettable and eats up valuable time that could be used for something more meaningful.

Sometimes I think about how we never see any posts from the happiest people alive. They don’t need social media validation, their positivity wouldn’t generate clicks, and the negativity of social media platforms probably scared them off long ago. As a result of their absence, negativity and unhealthy thought patterns have proliferated unchallenged.

I feel like I don’t even belong on the Internet anymore. I can’t relate to all of the doomers and cynics. The constant firehose of simultaneous anxiety and apathy, the lack of introspection and empathy… what use do I really have for it all at the end of the day? It’s getting so old and stale. I feel like I can’t grow as a person anymore if I continue consuming Internet slop.

There are so many, much more constructive ways I could be spending my time. If I should be using the Internet for anything, it would be to aid me in doing that. For example, finding good books to read. I can’t wait until I finally overcome my behavioral inertia and move on with my life.

  • LargeMarge
    3 months ago

    I’ve been feeling the same way a lot recently. The only social media I have left is snapchat, and that’s purely because I have a 1000+ day streak with a friend that I feel obligated to maintain. Every now and then I’ll wind up on whatever they call their doomscrolling video platform and it feels like fifteen minutes of my life just vanishes into thin air. And whenever I close it, I’m vaguely pissed off and my eyes hurt, but the slight boredom that incentivized me to go there in the first place is still hanging around, so I just feel restless and dissatisfied. It’s frankly exhausting. I’m in the “this sucks and I don’t want to do this anymore but I’m going to do it anyway and be mad about it” phase of my internet addiction and just haven’t quite found the right combination of other habits to prevent me from wandering into those corners of the internet when I don’t have anything to do for more than two minutes.