I am pretty against having a kid of my own for many reasons (scared of pregnancies, scared of babies, awful genepool, etc.) but I do like kids, and am not against adopting a kid. It’s just rare to see many parents with adopted kids, so I’m always curious about the process. I’m getting a tubal in a few months, so I guess I’m just asking all my questions early lol

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I think this also shows that if you are going to adopt a child that is not of your race, you really need to do your due diligence to raise that child to understand what their means in terms of their place in society. Maybe even find someone of their race to help you with that.

    No offense meant here because this is a general statement, but adopting a black kid and never explaining to them what to do if they’re pulled over by a cop (in the U.S. at least) seems negligent at best and abusive at worst because it could literally get them killed.