I bought a new laptop, my first brand new first hand laptop in more than 10 years, and decided to try the Windows 11 setup experience that came with it.

It was non-stop cursing. It made the quirks of working with a system so new the Linux drivers haven’t caught up with how to manage an integrated and discrete GPU yet a tolerable yet charming character trait.

I totally understand the hatred Kronii has for this OS she is forced to live with for her job.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgBocR2hwZM #Windows

  • rewarp@rewarp.comOP
    2 months ago

    @[email protected] I genuinely started to think everyone around me must have the patience of the Buddha after 1 hour of just the setup experience for Windows 11, before I could even use the laptop.

    It was an Asus A16 AMD Advantage machine as well, so this was not a budget machine. The amount of bloatware that was probably crammed into the initial install, was that really necessary for a rather premium device?

    I could not create a local user account too. Microsoft did everything to just make me give up and sign in with a Microsoft account, then I got email notifications that I had been signed up with McAfee?!

    Starting to think the YouTube videos on Linux is not just the algorithm doing its thing, but people genuinely switching in large numbers.

    • earphone843
      2 months ago

      You can skip the account creation if you set it up without connecting to the internet.

      • rewarp@rewarp.comOP
        2 months ago

        @[email protected] Windows 11’s installer forces you to choose a WiFi SSID. There is no skip button.

        Once I realised I shouldn’t have put in my WiFi password, it was too late, and restarting the setup did not reset the storage of my password in the setup screen.

        I couldn’t be arsed to turn off my WiFi just to open a shell in the installer, to disable network connectivity, when the purpose was to experience what a typical Windows 11 victim goes through.

        • earphone843
          2 months ago

          I set it up on a new gaming handheld (before I installed holoiso) like 2 weeks ago and I was able to do it without connecting to the internet. But yeah, you might have to do a reset if you’ve already programmed the wifi info.

          In the future, your keyboard might have a function key that kills the wifi adapter.

          • rewarp@rewarp.comOP
            2 months ago

            @[email protected] haha I’ll find out when I buy a brand new laptop after another 10 years.

            But by then, I hope Framework laptops will be available locally here for purchase.