It’s actually not bad at all. I think it just really suffered from is timing. A heavy Texan accent after 4 years of really shitty Bush corruption, a really dumb opening theme song, being a show about the past of the future that’s still the future, and Temu Angalina Jole. When you remove it from the mid 00s it’s really well done. But you know. Skip that opening credits hard that song still sucks ass aggressively.
The overly sexualized decontamination scene Rick Berman’d me so hard my suspension of disbelief was ruined not just for that scene, but the whole series.
I’d like to avoid that if possible.
The Texas accent actually wasn’t bad for me, but I get what you’re saying. And the skip button was invented for commercials but continues to exist for the ENT intro
It’s all worth it for the final season which is basically one long TOS tribute (except for the last episode which is one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever).
On Enterprise, Trip got impregnated in an alien holodeck
Can we just all by mutual agreement say that Trip never got impregnated in an alien holodeck? Just for the sake of Enterprise as a whole?
I couldn’t get into ENT when it was broadcast. Where should I start binging, and what should i skip?
It’s actually not bad at all. I think it just really suffered from is timing. A heavy Texan accent after 4 years of really shitty Bush corruption, a really dumb opening theme song, being a show about the past of the future that’s still the future, and Temu Angalina Jole. When you remove it from the mid 00s it’s really well done. But you know. Skip that opening credits hard that song still sucks ass aggressively.
The overly sexualized decontamination scene Rick Berman’d me so hard my suspension of disbelief was ruined not just for that scene, but the whole series.
I’d like to avoid that if possible.
The Texas accent actually wasn’t bad for me, but I get what you’re saying. And the skip button was invented for commercials but continues to exist for the ENT intro
I’m rewatching it now, and there’s a lot less of that decon chamber cheese than I remembered.
It’s all worth it for the final season which is basically one long TOS tribute (except for the last episode which is one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever).
I loved the Augment episodes so much, and I will always mourn the loss of season 5 Shran
So many people hate the augment episodes and I just don’t know why. I thought it was a brilliant solution to the Klingon differences thing.
And SO much Jeffery Combs. He should really be a captain by now.
Nope, it’s canonical that Trip had nipples on his arm.
Not in my headcanon. The Koala undid it.
Nope. And Paris and Janeway had salamander babies too.
I have come to accept that one. I cannot accept Pregnant Trip.