Could be one specific task or just in general.

    2 months ago

    In every job that must be done

    There is an element of fun

    You find the fun and snap! The job’s a game

    And every task you undertake

    Becomes a piece of cake

    A lark! A spree!

    It’s very clear to see

    That a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

    The medicine go down, the medicine go down

    Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

    In a most delightful way

    A robin feathering his nest

    Has very little time to rest

    While gathering his bits of twine and twig

    Though quite intent in his pursuit

    He has a merry tune to toot

    He knows a song

    Will move the job along

    Oh, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

    The medicine go down, the medicine go down

    Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

    In a most delightful way

    The honey bees that fetch the nectar

    From the flowers to the comb

    Never tired of ever buzzing to and fro

    Because they take a little nip

    From every flower that they sip

    And hence (And hence)

    They find (They find)

    Their task is not a grind…

    The 7 dwarves talked about “whistle while you work”, many others have said music.

    Personally I gamify tasks and try to make them more efficient, or if they’re maxed out, enjoy the time I’ve saved and the efficient task and smooth running of a process. Then the focus becomes the process rather than the sometimes tedious nature of things.

      2 months ago

      If there’s a job that must be done

      You’ll find it’s much more fun

      Don’t pout, don’t sob,

      Just do a half-assed job!

      If you cut every corner then it’s really not so bad

      Everybody does it, even mom and dad.

      If nobody sees you, then nobody gets mad.

      It’s the American way!